You must know and comply with the Adsense Guidelines on placing Google Ads. There are rules on where and how to place your Google Ads or Adsense Codes in your blog. You must comply with the guidelines to avoid being banned from the money making Adsense program.
So, after you have made your own blog and posted your blog articles, you are now going to place your Google Ads. I assume that you have already created your own Google Adsense account when you have read my previous post. If not, then create one now by clicking the Adsense button on this page.
After you’ve created your Adsense account, you must know where and how to place your Google Ads. Google Ads are the Adsense codes in javascripts format required by Google to place on your blog or web site to start making money online. In your Adsense account, if you click Adsense Setup, you will see Adsense for content, Adsense for search and Referrals like this:

Those are the categories of your Google Ads to be placed in your web site or blog. Under Adsense for content, you have two adtype choices, the Ad Unit and the Link Unit, as this:
You see also this link to updated Google Program Policies, which is also called as Adsense Guidelines.
Where to Place Google AdsThough you may place your Google Ads anywhere in your page, it is stated in the Adsense Guidelines that you should not place Google Ads on blog or site with prohibited content that promotes or contains illegal activity or infringement on legal rights of others, such as the following:
* Violence, racism, hate and the like
* Porn, adult or mature stuff
* Hacking or cracking activities and stuff
* Illegal and prescription drugs
* Gambling or casino-related stuff
* Incentivize visitors action
* Excessive, repetitive, or irrelevant keywords
* Deceptive or manipulative content to improve search engine ranking
* Weapons or ammunition
* Beer and liquors
* Tobacco or cigarette stuff
* Imitations of signature or designer goods
* Sale or distribution of term papers or student essays
How to Place Google AdsAnother important policy is the limit of placing Google Ads on each of your page. You are allowed to place a maximum of three (3) Ad units, one (1) Link unit and two (2) Adsense for search on each of your page. If you exceed the limit on your page, excess Google Ads will be displayed as blank or whitespace. That will not be a good view in your blog or web site.
Prohibited Adsense Clicks and Impressions
You must also know that Adsense program prohibits to encourage your visitors to click on Google Ads. Any method that artificially generates clicks or impressions on your Google ads is strictly prohibited. These include but not limited to the following:
* Repeated manual clicks or impressions, using robots, automated click and impression generating tools.
* Third-party services that generate clicks or impressions such as paid-to-click, paid-to-surf, autosurf, and click-exchange programs, or any deceptive software.
Prohibited Site and Google Ad Behavior
* Adsense codes or Google Ads must not be altered that would change its behavior that is not explicitly permitted by Google.
* Sites showing Google Ads must have no excessive popups or popunders that interfere with users navigation and preferences.
* Clicks on Google ads must not be launched in new browser window.
* AdSense codes must not be integrated into any software application like toolbars.
* Adsense referral must be made without any obligation or requirement to end users such as soliciting email addresses.
Prohibited 3rd Party Ad Services
Web pages containing Google Ads must not contain third party ads that have the same looks or appearance with that of Google such as boxes, colors and layout.
Warning: Your account will be immediately disabled, if you failed to comply with Adsense guidelines. That will be regretful.
I hope this post helps you understand where and how to place your Google Ads or Adsense Codes. In my next post, I will discuss the most profitable placement of Google Ads or codes. So, please drop by and have a nice day.