Friday, August 1, 2008

Increase Adsense Revenue with Rich Content

Want to increase adsense revenue? Then, create site or make blog with rich content. Rich content means that site has many web pages that focuses on a particular niche topic like baby names, dog care, birthday party, online business, home business, work at home moms and many more.
Benefits of Having Rich Content

* Readers stay in your web site or blog for a longer time, reading and navigating through your web pages.

* More Google ads will be shown to them that will attract them to click.

* Search engines love your site to be indexed and offered to its users.

* Since most of the readers cannot read or check out all of your site contents or articles, they will likely come back.

* Your visitors will likely subscribe to your feed or newsletter to check any updates on your site. They will even love to share your site to other people.

* Other sites or blog will love to link to your site as a great resource for their visitors.

* Your site will most likely rank prominently in search engine listing for the relevant keywords.

How to Create Site With Rich Content

* Write short articles so that someone can read them in about 5 minutes but with minimum of 300 words.
* Write a minimum of 30 informative articles centered around a particular theme.
* Categorize your articles or content. Break up your articles into 5 sub-topics and write or post at least 5 articles into each sub-topic. With this strategy, your site will have a total of 31 articles or posts. One article for your main page or homepage, 5 articles as main sub-topics and another 25 articles under the sub-topics, i.e. 5 articles for each sub-topic. This will also help you develop articles or contents for your site or blog.